First Aiders / First Aid Kits Application

First Aiders / First Aid Kits Application
Hi all,
Here is the procedure on applying First Aiders/ First Aid Kit from MMU Red Crescent.

1.       Download this application form. Fill up the related information in the form.
      Submit the softcopy form via email at least 2 weeks before the event. We will get back to you within a week.
      Hardcopy of the form must be send before or during the event, together with the payment.
      The charges are as follow:
          Each First Aid Box is 
          RM 20 per day (MMU student/staff) or RM30 per day (public)  
            (Extra charges will be imposed for any extra equipment** used.)
         **Equipment included roller bandage. Spray will not be provided.
          Each First Aider
                   - In-campus (without food) – RM20.00 per day
                   - In-campus (with food) – RM15.00 per day
                   - Off-campus (without food, without transport) – RM 40.00 per day
                   - Off-campus (with food, transport) – RM 30.00 per day
                **more than 8 hours double the charges.

      Fine will be imposed for late return: RM1.00 for each day per First Aid Kit.
      MMURC will also have the authority to change or amend any policy without any prior notice.
      MMURC reserves the right to reject any application without prior notice.

Please submit your form to

Thank you.

"Together We Strive For Humanity"

Best Regards,
Malaysian Red Crescent
Multimedia University Cyberjaya Chapter